Why GO with a PRO Celebrant?

Why Go with a Pro Celebrant instead of a Family Member or Friend?

Crafting a meaningful ceremony takes time and preparation. A professional celebrant dedicates the necessary hours to get to know you, understand your story, and create a ceremony that is truly unique, leaving you free to focus on other aspects of your wedding planning.


Professional celebrants bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table. They know how to handle unexpected hiccups with grace, ensuring your ceremony runs smoothly without any awkward pauses or mishaps.


Friends or family members might be too emotionally invested in the day, which can make it difficult for them to maintain composure. A professional celebrant can remain calm and collected, providing a steady presence throughout the ceremony.


Someone who knows only one of you well might focus the ceremony on that person, unintentionally side-lining the other. Your wedding should celebrate both of you equally.


Getting a friend or family member to officiate is a big ask, and they might not feel comfortable saying no. But if they back out at the last minute, you're left scrambling for a replacement.

01. Flaky Friends and Family.

At first glance, asking someone who knows them well makes intuitive sense. Naturally, couples often feel that having a friend officiate their wedding will ensure a truly personal feeling in their ceremony. But thinking about it a little more deeply turns up some concerns. We get panicked calls every year from couples whose friend or family member has backed out of officiating on short notice. Sometimes extremely short notice. Here are our reasons why it´s better to go with a pro:

" It felt like an ordinary morning
It began in an ordinary way
And then, without warning
Ordinary morning
Became extraordinary day."